Provisional stenting of a bifurcation lesion in a patient with NSTEACS
– a case report
Maciej Lewandowski, MD, PhD
Clinic of Cardiology, Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland
Patient J.K.,
- 66 years old , male
- Typical chest pain for 6 hours – initially diagnosed in another hospital and transferred after TnT results
- No history of CVD
- Hipothyroidism for 3 years (treated with L-tyroxin), TSH 0.079 IU/ml (N: 0.35-4.94), fT3 and fT4 within normal ranges
- Previous smoker
- hs TnT 1.410 ug/l (N: <0.014)
- CK-MB 135 U/l (N: <24)
- ECHO: Hipokinesis of basal 2/3 part of lateral wall, hipokinesis of basal segment of the inferior wall, EF 45%